Bejad! Rezim Syiah Assad Gelar City-Tour di Reruntuhan Aleppo

Women take a selfie outside Aleppo's historic citadel, in the government controlled area of the city, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki
Women take a selfie outside Aleppo’s historic citadel, in the government controlled area of the city, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki

Eramuslim – Belum kering darah para syuhada yang tewas dibantai di lingkungan timur Aleppo, sejumlah orang yang tidak diketahui asalnya dilaporkan melakukan tur di bekas reruntuhan bangunan dan kendaraan yang menjadi saksi kekejian rezim Syiah Bashar al-Assad dan sekutunya.

Dalam sejumlah foto yang dipublikasikan surat kabar kenamaan Inggris “The Miror,” nampak sejumlah pria dan wanita  melakukan tur serta mengambil foto di bekas reruntuhan serangan pasca perebutan kota Aleppo pada awal pekan kemarin.

Tidak ayal komentar miring di dunia maya segera menyerang foto-foto tersebut ditengah duka ribuan orang tewas dan belasan ribu lainnya terluka setelah tentara rezim Syiah Bashar al-Assad dan sekutunya memblokade dan menggempur lingkungan Aleppo timur sejak 5 bulan terakhir.

Tidak ada rincian lebih lanjut siapa, kapan dan di lingkungan Aleppo mana foto-foto ini diambil, seperti dilansir Reuters. (Skynewsarabia/Ram)

Berikut foto-foto tur tersebut:

Women pose for a picture at the entrance of the Carlton Hotel, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Women pose for a picture at the entrance of the Carlton Hotel, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


People walk past the damaged Coral Julia Dumna Hotel in the government controlled Old City of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki
People walk past the damaged Coral Julia Dumna Hotel in the government controlled Old City of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki
People leave the Umayyad mosque, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki
People leave the Umayyad mosque, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki
A member of forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad stands with a civilian on the rubble of the Carlton Hotel, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki
A member of forces loyal to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad stands with a civilian on the rubble of the Carlton Hotel, in the government controlled area of Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki