Pers Rilis HAMAS: Rakyat Palestina Mengutuk Keras Yahya Cholil Staquf Kunjungi Zionis-Israel – Katib Aam (Sekjen) Suriyah PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf telah berada di wilayah Palestina yang dikuasai secara sepihak oleh Zionis-Israel dan berbicara di acara diskusi Global Forum Israel yang diadakan organisasi Yahudi Amerika (American Jewsish Commite/AJC) di Yerusalem yang sangat pro Zionis.

Anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden Jokowi (Wantimpres) ini berbicara pada Minggu (10/6/2018) waktu setempat. Dimana Perdana Menteri Zionis-Israel Benyamin Netanyahu juga hadir sebagai pembicara dalam diskusi yang moderatornya Direktur Forum Global AJC Rabi David Rosen.

Kehadiran Tokoh NU yang mengunjugi dan berbaik-baik dengan pihak Zionis-Israel ini  mendapat kecaman Gerakan Perlawanan Islam HAMAS dan Rakyat Palestina.

Berikut pres rilis resmi yang dikeluarkan HAMAS, Senin (11/6/2018), menanggapi kehadiran Katib Aam (Sekjen) Suriyah PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf tersebut.

Press release on visit of Indonesian scholar to Israeli Occupation 

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, along with the Palestinian people, received with severe censure the news that Islamic scholar Yahya Khalil Thaqouf is visiting the Zionist Entity despite the lack of official relations between Indonesia and the Zionist Entity and the Indonesian people’s complete opposition to this visit.

As we appreciate Indonesia’s historic stances in support of the Palestinian people’s rights and their struggle for freedom and independence, we express our condemnation to this disgraceful act, which is not only an insult to the Palestinian people and their sacrifices but for the Indonesian people and their long history in supporting the Palestinian cause. 

This visit represents a huge support for this fascist regime and its legitimacy and provides it more cover to commit further crimes against the Palestinian people and their holy sites while leaving the door open for those willing to normalize with the Israeli Occupation. 

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement

11 Juni 2018/ 26 Ramadhan 1439 H
